Ce s-ar intampla dacă mâine nu s-ar mai găsi în piață dovlecei, vinete, roșii sau cartofi? Cum cultivă fermierii români legumele și fructele și ce folosesc ca să le mențină sănătoase? Care sunt pesticidele autorizate în România și la nivel european, care sunt cantitățile folosite de fermieri pentru protecția recoltelor? Va fi o criză a alimentelor odată cu interzicerea mai multor produse de protecție a plantelor?

Veți găsi răspunsul la aceste întrebări, precum și la multe altele în noua campanie de informare #CusauFără (#WithOrWithout) pesticide, lansată de Asociația Industriei de Protecția Plantelor din Romania (AIPROM) in parteneriat cu Asociatia Europeana de Protectia Culturilor (ECPA), dedicată fermierilor, companiilor, cât și publicului larg.

Testează-ți cunoștințele

  • 6 OCTOBER 2017

    Aedin Celzin's story: With or Without pesticides? To be a successful farmer is really hard. That’s the part that’s not really understood by many people.

    Speaking amidst a field of sunflowers near the Black Sea coast in Romania, third-generation farmer Celzin Aedin said, “To be a successful farmer is really hard. That’s the part that’s not really understood by many people. There are many farmers in Romania, but to succeed requires taking lots of risks. Decisions can be extremely difficult. You have to be in the fields all the time, and you have to pay a lot of attention to the crops.”

  • 13 OCTOBER 2016

    Marcus Holtkötter: ‘Return to science-based decision-making’ the key to sustaining farm for another 10 generations

    Lying near the border with the Netherlands, the Münsterland region of northwest Germany is an area steeped in history and tradition. Famous for its castles (it has more than 100), the landscape is made up of lush, green forests and farmland. This is the home of Marcus Holtkötter and his young...

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  • 5 SEPTEMBER 2016

    Christophe Grison: Farm innovation, pesticides and the environment go hand-in-hand

    “It really is a wonderful profession,” reflects Christophe Grison, standing in his fields in the Oise region in northern France, on a bright and crisp spring morning. “I have many friends who tell me how lucky I am not to have a boss breathing down my neck. Not to have meetings where you are...

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  • 6 JULY 2016

    For Tom Bradshaw, Farming Sustainably Means Managing the Environment

    Tom Bradshaw presses go on his Nespresso machine, in the kitchen of his family’s farmhouse near Colchester, UK. It’s a modern feature in a traditional setting: Parts of the house date back to the 16th Century.

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  • 28 APRIL 2016

    Study shows consumers underestimate the severity of the global food challenge

    Results of the survey conducted by YouGov Plc suggest that European adults (UK, Germany, Spain, Poland) underestimate the potential severity of the world’s food supply problem and the link between productivity and prices. They also underestimate the role that pesticides can play in supplying...

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Asociația Industriei de Protecția Plantelor din România, AIPROM, a fost înființată în 2002 și reprezintă companiile care dezvoltă, formulează și reambalează produse pentru protecția plantelor. AIPROM reprezintă aproximativ 80% din piața de produse de protecția plantelor din România.

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